Daily Motivation. Do something you have never done!

What do you want?


What have you never had?  I have never had a six-pack for a stomach.  So I should strive to workout longer.  I want to have a successful business of my own. So I should face my fears of failing….there are more I am sure, but this is what I can think of right now.  What are yours?

Daily motivation. Find your strength.

Daily motivation for every part of your life.


Trying to welcome in a Monday morning isn’t always easy.  But with that I can find something that I can overcome today…my exhaustion, my feelings of blah with my day, and make the best of it.  What are you doing to start your week off right?



This will motivate you when all else fails

4% Day Workout

The easiest reminder of how we should never have excuses for our health.

How easy it is to feel so intimidated by something in our lives.  The project, the interview, the workout can feel so daunting.  It can take up so much space mentally, and then physically.  We think it will be more painful, or we are already exhausted, but truly let’s look at the big picture here; we spend so much time thinking about what we should do, wish we could do, or feeling bad about not doing.  So let’s stop now.  What can you do today that you are not going to over-think, you are just going to do?

Motivation when feeling down to print and put on the fridge!

Much needed reminder that nothing happens instantly. There is work involved, and you must have determination.

Today is one of those days where I just feel sluggish, self-deprecating, tired, and overall blah.

I need some serious motivation.  I found this image, and it seriously helps to remember this, not only for fitness and appearance, but for any kind of change.  We can feel proud of ourselves when we reach an accomplishment, but we need to remember that when we feel like poo (one of my common terms, and your first intro to it).

So with this I will strive to keep going, and change my attitude.  Check back soon for my video on how to change your mood in a minute or less for the rest of the day.
